A recent career change ... a new website ... it's all happening!

ANN JOHNSTONE MINISTRIES was launched several years ago when I launched out into the deep as an author, speaker, social critic and (back then) a mediator. I wrote my first book, "Knowing Me Knowing You", in 1998 and it is now virtually sold out. This book celebrates the unique personality God gave each one of us. It gives suggestions on dealing with issues such as conflict, stress, poor communication and misunderstanding, and is illustrated with humorous, real-life examples. A new edition will be coming out soon. Stay tuned!

Now that I am no longer nursing, I am hoping to write another book within the next year or so with the title "Diary of a Reluctant Nurse" - you probably realize that this will be, in part, an autobiography. Mind you, I'm not going to give away too many secrets.


Sunday, October 31, 2010

Check Out Australia's 14-year-old 'Whale Rider' ...

Fourteen-year-old Sam Matheson from WA, while swimming, climbed on the back of a southern right whale, not realizing it was illegal. The maximum penalty is $10,000, but he was let off with a warning. This news has created a huge stir world-wide. However, the so-called 'whale-harassment' should perhaps be looked at in context: 

Firstly, was this really a case of harassment? The whale wasn't disturbed, unless he had some sort of subconscious emotional trauma :)  And the boy enjoyed the experience, although it was unplanned.

Secondly, it would seem we need to focus more on life-and-death human issues. For example, every day, in our hospitals and 'family planning' clinics, thousands of babies are aborted. These are the voiceless victims of society. 

And finally, perhaps we need to look more closely at those people in our midst who are victims of harassment ... and abuse! Tell me what you think.

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